Mapping Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Regency

Mapping Officer Training

Mapping Officer Training

March 26, 2019 | BPS Activities

Maps are one of the instruments used in conducting surveys or censuses in BPS. Maps are used to determine the location of a sample or population spatially. Maps are also used to disseminate data in geospatial forms, such as thematic maps. So, maps are used starting from the beginning of the survey to the presentation of the data. Maps used by BPS are based on statistical work area maps (Wilkerstat) consisting of provinces, districts / cities, sub-districts, villages / kelurahan and census blocks. Wilkerstat formed in the 2010 Population Census is still in use today. Considering that the limits and content in the territory have undergone many changes, BPS has updated the Wilkerstat in two stages, namely the Preparation of Mapping and Updating the Content of the SP2020 Statistical Working Area in 2018 as well as the Mapping and Updating the SP2020 Statistical Working Area.

For this reason, BPS Konawe will conduct training on mapping and updating statistical work areas at Hotel D'Blitz Kendari on March 31 - April 11, 2019.

Previously BPS Konawe had set 201 Candidates for mapping officers consisting of 158 Mappers and 43 Supervisors.

To prospective officers, please download the application that is used later before the training begins

Download the Wilkerstat Application here
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