Studi Tour of Administration and Sectoral Statistics Development to BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Regency

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Studi Tour of Administration and Sectoral Statistics Development to BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency

Studi Tour of Administration and Sectoral Statistics Development to BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency

November 21, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday, November 21st, 2024

BPS-Statistics Konawe Regency conducted a Study Tour with the destination to BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency. During this Study Tour, BPS-Statistics Konawe Regency sent seven employees, including the Head of BPS-Statistics Konawe Regency, Sitti Maswiah S.E M.S, Head of the General Sub-Division of BPS-Statistics Konawe Regency, Ahmad Ranuwirawan Rahim S.Si, and the Madya Statistician of BPS-Statistics Konawe Regency, Evi Eriany SE.

Through this Study Tour, BPS-Statistics Konawe Regency hopes to gain knowledge and produce good output. The main focus of this Study Tour is to share knowledge from BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency, especially in the fields of Administration and Sectoral Statistics Development. It is hoped that from this Study Tour, BPS-Statistics Konawe Regency can improve its performance to be even better.

The selection of BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency as the destination for this Study Tour is not without reason. In the field of Administration, BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency is the only BPS in Southeast Sulawesi Province that has succeeded in getting a score of 100 for BIPI (Budget Implementation Performance Indicator). In addition, in the field of Sectoral Statistics Development, BPS-Statistics Kolaka Regency has succeeded in getting the highest SDI (Statistical Development Index) score in Southeast Sulawesi Province with a score of 2.69.
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