Kendari City Deflation occurred in August 2018 at 1.29 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Regency

Kendari City Deflation occurred in August 2018 at 1.29 percent

Release Date : September 3, 2018
File Size : 0.38 MB


  • The Deflation of Kendari City in August 2018 was recorded at 1.29 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 128.72. Nationally, from 82 cities that calculated inflation in 52 cities, deflation was recorded and 30 cities recorded inflation. The highest deflation was recorded in Baubau (Southeast Sulawesi Province 2.49 percent and the lowest deflation was recorded in Jember (East Java Province) 0.01 percent.
  • The deflation that occurred in Kendari City was caused by the decline in the price index in the foodstuffs group by 4.60 percent and transport, communication and financial services 0.59 percent. While the recorded inflation group was the health group 0.40 percent; processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco 0.13 percent; clothing 0.09 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel as well as education, recreation and sports, each at 0.06 percent.
  • Commodities contributing to deflation are bloating / bloating / banyar / gembolo / aso-aso; skipjack / scales; kite / bump; Kale; air transport; rambe; spinach; mustard greens; yellow tail and long beans.
  • The commodities that contribute the most to inflation are fruit tomatoes; vegetable tomatoes; Cayenne pepper; chicken meat; cooking oil; papaya; dress / canal; men's collared shirt; rice and child collared shirts.
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