Query Builder - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Regency

This following text is the link of Data Necessity Survey individual questionnaire as one of the many ways to evaluate the service of statistics provided by Central Buerau of Statistics of Konawe Region.

You can only select a maximum of 2 data items.

Table / Indicator


Select at least one year period

Year Derivative

Select at least one year derivative


Select at least one characteristic

Row Header

Select at least one row header

Selected Data

You have reached the maximum limit of 2 data items.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Konawe (Statistics of Konawe Regency)Kompleks Perkantoran Pemda Konawe

Jl. Inolobunggadue Unaaha

Telp. (0408) 2421019

Email : bps7403@bps.go.id





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