Sulawesi Exports Southeast March 2020 increased by 46.52 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Regency

Sulawesi Exports Southeast March 2020 increased by 46.52 percent

Release Date : May 6, 2020
File Size : 0.99 MB


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  • Southeast Sulawesi's export value in March 2020 was recorded at US $ 147.47 million or an increase of 46.52 percent compared to February 2020's export which was recorded at US $ 100.65 million. Meanwhile, the export volume in March 2020 was recorded at 87.16 thousand tons or an increase of 55.09 percent compared to February 2020 exports which recorded 56.20 thousand tons.
  • Southeast Sulawesi's total exports during January-March 2020 reached 298.47 thousand tons, or US $ 416.62 million.
  • Southeast Sulawesi's import value in March 2020 was recorded at US $ 136.38 million or decreased by 6.75 percent compared to February 2020's import which was recorded at US $ 146.25 million. Meanwhile, the import volume in March 2020 was 427.15 thousand tons, an increase of 26.68 percent compared to February 2020 imports which recorded 337.18 thousand tons.
  • Southeast Sulawesi's total imports during January-March 2020 reached 998.28 thousand tons or US $ 374.83 million.
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