Southeast Sulawesi exports in July 2020 increased by 24.57 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Regency

Southeast Sulawesi exports in July 2020 increased by 24.57 percent

Release Date : September 14, 2020
File Size : 0.77 MB


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  • The export value of Southeast Sulawesi in July 2020 was recorded at US $ 178.03 million or an increase of 24.57 percent compared to exports in June 2020 which was recorded at US $ 142.92 million. Meanwhile, the export volume in July 2020 was recorded at 128.73 thousand tons or an increase of 34.17 percent compared to exports in June 2020 which was recorded at 95.94 thousand tons.
  • The total exports of Southeast Sulawesi during January-July 2020 reached 752.28 thousand tons or US $ 1,035.30 million.
  • The import value of Southeast Sulawesi in July 2020 was recorded at US $ 120.55 million or decreased by 41.75 percent compared to imports in June 2020 which was recorded at US $ 206.95 million. Meanwhile, the import volume in July 2020 was recorded at 218.39 thousand tons or decreased by 51.97 percent compared to the import volume in June 2020 which was recorded at 454.67 thousand tons.
  • The total imports of Southeast Sulawesi during January-July 2020 reached 2,046.73 thousand tons or worth US $ 908.25 million.
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