The number of Air Transport Passengers in Southeast Sulawesi Province in December 2020 increased by 11.98 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Konawe Regency

The number of Air Transport Passengers in Southeast Sulawesi Province in December 2020 increased by 11.98 percent

Release Date : March 15, 2021
File Size : 0.46 MB


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  • The number of domestic air transport passengers in December 2020 was recorded at 99,315 people, an increase of 11.98 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded at 88,688 people.
  • The number of domestic sea transport passengers in December 2020 was recorded at 354,952 people, down 41.73 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded at 609,146 people.
  • Cumulatively, the number of domestic air transport passengers in 2020 (January - December 2020) was recorded at 861,341 people, down 46.46 percent compared to the same period in the previous year (January - December 2019) which was recorded at 1,608,895 people.
  • Meanwhile, the number of domestic sea transport passengers in 2020 (January - December 2020) was recorded at 3,258,331 people or decreased by 52.99 percent compared to the same period in the previous year (January - December 2019) which was recorded at 6,930,920 people.
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